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Company Information

The only nationwide X-ray experts having "hands-on" experience with all competitive Dental X-ray equipment including all pans, transcranials, cephs, tomograms, automatic film processors and the physical medicine modalities; EGS, ultrasound, TENS etc.

We at Imaging Systems have pledged our personal commitment to supporting the health professions in education and technical expertise with the necessary equipment and supplies.  Our benefit is personal satisfaction.  Your benefit is enhanced patient care with quality radiographs that you can be proud of.  We look forward to working with you!

Imaging Systems, Inc. is located in Peachtree City, Georgia, a 30 year old planned community with three championship golf courses, two lakes and over 70 miles of paved cart paths.

Peachtree City is conveniently located 45 minutes from downtown Atlanta and just 25 minutes from Hartsfield International Airport.

Company Address

Goodx-rays, LLC. is located at the following address:

Goodx-rays, LLC.
215 Brook Trail
Newnan, Georgia 30265
United States

Company Contact Information

Goodx-rays, LLC. can be contacted via telephone at 770-463-0273, or via email by clicking the link below:

Kryptronic Internet Software Solutions