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Sectograph Instructional DVDs(6 disk series
Sectograph Instructional DVDs (6 disk series)
Sectograph Manual
Quint Sectograph Light & Fuse Kit
Lead Words: Full set 28 Words, incl. velcro
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8x10 Rare-Earth (400 Sp) Green
15x30 Rare-Earth (400 Sp) Green
5x14 Rare-Earth (400 Sp) Green
5x12 Rare-Earth (400 Sp) Green
8x10 Hi-Speed (200 Sp) Blue
5x14 Hi-Speed (200 Sp) Blue
15x30 Hi-Speed (200 Sp) Blue
5x7 Rare-Earth (400 Sp) Green
5x12 Hi-Speed (200 Sp) Blue
13x18 Rare-Earth (400 Sp) Green
5x7 Hi-Speed (200 Sp) Blue
13x18 Hi-Speed (200 Sp) Blue
Intensifying Screens (Green and Blue)